Niemand, der Gott sucht....

Sandijs ist der Pastor der "anderen" Gemeinde in Sigulda. Unsere Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaft ist das Schönste, was wir hier in Sigulda passieren konnte. Hier seine Gedanken (leider auf Englisch) von der letzen Woche.

Yesterday at men`s group we were discussing the first three chapters of Romans and came to a question - can it be that in today's situation, some biblical texts are no longer valid or applicable? 

For example, David said, in the 14 or Psalm 53: "They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! The Lord looks down from heaven on the entire human race; he looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God. But no, all have turned away; all have become corrupt. No one does good, not a single one!"

But then, trying to list the churches and people of whom one might say the opposite (he/she understands, these are really seeking God, this group/person does good), there came more painful question – why, when we take some people of our circle of acquaintances (about whom we can say - they are looking for God, they're doing good, they understand) – and put them in one room, almost inevitably sooner or later they will start fighting. 

If there are people who are truly seeking God, why are there so many different denominations, among which there is constant misunderstanding and inability to come closer to each other? Why in the World Baptist Union there are 211 different Baptist denominations? If I feel that I am the one who is truly seeking God, why some discussions on theology lead me to anger? And why is it so very important to me that people should be standing while singing worship songs? 

Perhaps it turns out that David was right? Maybe the thing that we, "true seekers", in fact are seeking is my own convenience and appreciation of my thoughts? Maybe what I am really looking for is the Christian life that orbits around me in a way that is understandable and acceptable to me? And perhaps that biblical truth I am advocating with a red face as God's only intention, in fact is just an excuse behind which I try to hide my weakness and distrust? 

And biggest tragedy in all this is – even if I acknowledge the fact that the last three questions I have to answer with "yes", still I am not ready to do anything for it... It is easier to stay in the same place. It is easier to sigh quietly and to keep quiet while realizing that the world, its foundations and values are falling down not because of increasing evil, but rather because the world is full of God's children, who do not want to do anything about it. And I'm one of them ... 

How the "Scorpions" sing: “Sometimes I think I'm going mad. We're loosing all we had and no one seems to care.”

Maybe it is enough??? Let`s stop doing the same!

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